Surveys have shown that up to 15% of couples have problems in conceiving, so you are not alone! Unless there are particular medical factors involved, changing your diet may go some way to improving your fertility and hence your ability to conceive.
First up, is to cut down, and preferably cut out, alcohol and caffeine, - so give up on the morning "large cappuccino with an extra shot", and change that large glass of pinot grigio for mineral water. OK you'll get some funny looks and a few probing questions from your friends, but when you become pregnant you'll be giving up anyway - you're just getting your body used to it early!
(The science says that caffeine may be linked to an increased risk of miscarriage and that alcohol may have an effect on your hormonal balance).
Secondly, empty your fridge of all those nice convenience foods that are full of additives, stabilisers and chemicals and start cooking for yourself with foods you have bought from the fruit and veg. aisles or the meat and fish counters. Yes it may take you longer, but it is worth it for your body's sake. So the next time you are in the supermarket and see that "Ready Meals" or "Prepared Foods" sign, don't go down that aisle!
You'll also need to give up those nice biscuits that you used to dunk in your tea or coffee (which you're not having now are you?), as some studies have shown that the trans fatty acids that are contained in many processed foods, such as cakes, crisps, biscuits etc. can reduce your chances of becoming pregnant by up to 73%.
So no alcohol, no caffeine, no processed foods, plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and lots of water, which means you're likely to become healthier, fitter and dare I mention it, thinner, but don't forget, this is not so much a diet, more a lifestyle change to help you achieve your goal of becoming pregnant.
As well as dietary changes, many women may benefit from taking a multi-vitamin and multi-mineral supplement (if only as an insurance policy). There are number of these on the market, but make sure that you get good, reliable advice as to which ones are most suitable for you.
If you are eating a healthy balanced diet, you should be getting all the nutrients that you need, but a bit of extra help may be beneficial. A good pro-natal vitamin containing B vitamins, zinc and folic acid is a simple place to start, combined with an essential fatty acid supplement.
Changing your diet alone may not ensure that you conceive, but it is certainly a step in the right direction.
Labels: Pregnant