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E-Book How To Catch A Cheat - Forbidden Orgasm Secrets - Guide to Getting Your Ex-Back
Somebody once said that sex is like pizza -- even when it's really bad, it's still pretty good. However, those of us who have experienced bad sex know that it is quite a different story. Indeed, in some situations, a case of bad sex can ruin a relationship!

Of course, sex isn't going to involve fireworks every single time. Even the happiest couples experience a dismal round of intercourse every now and again. But if you are routinely having bad sex with your partner, something is certainly amiss! A satisfying sex life is the right of every adult, so if your partner is leaving something to desired, you need to take action.

Here are three tips to get you started on the road to passionate and fulfilling sex:

Sizzle, don't fizzle: The first step is to discover why you and your partner aren't meshing in the bedroom. Does he skimp on foreplay? Is she passive and bored during the act? These are delicate topics, but rest assured, they can be addressed. Do so with respect and delicacy. Try couching your complaint inside a compliment, such as "I have been thinking about us making love all day. Let's enjoy foreplay before we rush into it." Or, "I love when you are vocal about your pleasure during sex. It really turns me on." Most couples want to please each other in the bedroom, so once they hear what really turns you on, you won't need to tell them twice!

Bring your "A" game: Unfortunately, when people feel as though their partner is disinterested or disengaged from sex, they too will begin to disengage and lose interest. However, once this occurs, the sex life is doomed to failure! If you want your partner to be a pro in the bedroom, you need to become a pro too. Initiate a new position, confess a fantasy, and indulge in a little erotica together. If you want to turn up the temperature in your sex life, you need to be the one who brings the heat!

Let go of perfection: Most of us have received our sexual expectations from the media. Whether it is Cosmopolitan, romantic comedies, or adult flicks, we all have certain expectations about what "should" happen in the bedroom. Unfortunately, the media is rarely realistic when it comes to sex. Sex can't always involve hours of foreplay, champagne, and silk sheets. Sometimes it has to happen first thing in the morning while the kids are still in bed, sometimes it has to happen when the house is messy and your legs aren't shaved, etc. Whatever the case, it is time to ditch the perfect image of what we believe sex "should" be. Once you lose the shackles of expectations, you can begin creating your own version of your perfect sex life!

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